By John Otander
Note: This is an old blog post. The below is kept as is for historical purposes.
MDXConf is a free and online conference for the MDX community. Whether you’re just learning about MDX or an expert, there’ll be something for you!
August 24th, 2020 at 8am PDT/3pm UST
Online • Free
The conference is now over, but you can still watch the recordings!
Join us for the first MDX conference! We’ll stream it directly to you, for free.
MDX has grown rapidly since the first commit two and a half years ago. We’d like to celebrate our accomplishments so far, and talk about what lies ahead. We’ve got lots of plans.
Learn how MDX increases developer productivity, improves educational content authoring, and even peek behind the curtains to see how MDX works.
Chris Biscardi
Keynote: The past, present, and future of MDX
Monica Powell
Migrating to MDX
Laurie Barth
MDX v2 syntax
Cole Bemis
Demystifying MDX
Prince Wilson
Personal site playgrounds
Kathleen McMahon
Digital gardening with MDX magic
Rodrigo Pombo
The X in MDX
Jonathan Bakebwa
MDX and Vue/Nuxt
Sign up
Note: Sign up is closed.
What if I can’t make it on August 24th?
We’ll miss you, but you won’t miss out! All talks will be recorded and released the day of the conference. You can catch up with the talks, or rewatch them, whenever convenient.
Will the talks be transcribed?
Is there a code of conduct?
Absolutely. We’re dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We will not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. We’ve adopted the Party Corgi Network’s Code of Conduct. We will have moderators to ensure that the code of conduct is followed.
Do you have a different question?
Reach out to us.